Judgment Day

Customer Rating Evaluation

In the end, only one thing counts: What the customer wants. Nothing else. JUDGMENT DAY analyzes key indicators from customer reviews to determine customer needs and generates priceless insights for product development.

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The day of reckoning for ratings and reviews

When you know what customers really want, you have unlocked the formula for success. This equation is next to impossible to solve through traditional market research these days, a method increasingly hamstrung by growing complexity due to an overabundance of products being sold in globalized markets. Product developers and assortment strategists for international brands and retailers are faced with the serious challenge of continually meeting customer needs while nailing the zeitgeist. There is, however, one freely accessible – although difficult to mine – data trove that can remedy the situation: customer reviews, which provide qualitative insights in bulk. Anyone who succeeds in retrieving and evaluating this treasure trove of data has a clear edge on the competition.

Extreme market research
The automated analysis of countless reviews is nothing less than the fusion of qualitative and quantitative market research. From this information, we can distill pure innovation potential.
Rating comparison
Quickly determine which products perform well – and which ones don’t. Drawing comparisons with competitor products and between platforms allows us to come to strategic conclusions.
Problem indicator
Customer reviews mercilessly highlight production errors, product data errors and service issues early on, so they can be immediately addressed.
Review trends
Significant changes in product ratings are an indicator of whether product adjustments are working. They can also be a bellwether for potentially profitable trends that can be exploited.
Read between the lines

Gain an overview of how customers perceive your products and their attributes using our sentiment analysis feature. How do they perform compared to competitor products?

The inherent value of reviews


Every day, products and brands are under scrutiny. Market research at the click of a button provides an aggregated assessment of these “test reports”. JUDGMENT DAY automatically collects all customer reviews on marketplaces, comparison sites and online shops on a large scale and performs a semantic analysis. This unlocks the value of quantitative as well as qualitative insights from reviews. This innovative module enables the detection of all manner of potential innovations or issues. Regional differences in customer needs as well as the strengths and weaknesses of competitor products also become evident. As an added benefit, it identifies relevant keywords that provide important clues for marketing content.

A woman holds a tablet with a dashboard of XPLN's JUDGMENT DAY software solution
Would you like a taste?
We will show you data-based possibilities for increasing your performance in e-commerce: in a free and non-binding demo. We will also be happy to use your own data for the demonstration.

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