Consumer electronics
Where price and performance rule
In hardly any other industry is it as easy to compare products as consumer electronics.
In hardly any other industry is it as easy to compare products as consumer electronics. Consumers can not only size up the prices of electronic devices; as a rule, their technical specifications are usually freely available, which allows for objective comparisons across the board. This creates a level of clarity that explains why product pricing has become the deciding factor in almost every purchasing decision in that market. For anyone operating in the industry, this also means that optimized pricing is absolutely indispensable. Increasing price sensitivity in uncertain times and the lasting fallout of the computer chip shortage further add to the pressure retailers are facing. But pricing is not the only thing that stands between success and failure – the ability of market participants to innovate is also put to the test. Technical advancements and trends continue to progress rapidly. Devices that are the state of the art today can be yesterday’s news in just a few months, and with every new feature, the next revolution is imminent.
Understanding the market to influence the market
Anyone selling consumer electronics on the web has to be able to react quickly and flexibly to the market to preserve sufficient margins in spite of global competition. This makes price optimization and a keen eye for trends indispensable. But market and trend monitoring are time-consuming and almost inconceivable without automation these days.
Only with the help of high-quality data collection and experienced experts at your side is it possible to gather and organize the necessary amount of information and draw the right conclusions for your business. We can help you sort it out – with data consulting and custom, personalized solutions using our unique SaaS+ approach.