Case study: POC Sports
Premium positioning with smart digital shelf monitoring
As a premium brand, it is important to that your products are presented to the same high standards across all channels. How does POC do it?
Extract from the POC case study:
The perception and performance of a brand and its products on marketplaces and online retailers is influenced by many factors: from availability, price, product content and search rankings to reviews.
Availability is especially critical for seasonal products like those offered by POC. If the new range is not available online in time for the start of the winter season, sales are at risk.
The same goes for low prices and early discounts. Monitoring such KPIs is impossible to do manually and wastes resources.
The Solution: Automated market monitoring creates transparency
As a premium brand, it is important to us that our products are presented to the same high standards everywhere.
Read the case study to learn how POC uses digital shelf analytics to gain valuable channel insights for optimized positioning and performance.
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